Nigeria is a very conservative country.
There are many things that are unacceptable in society. It doesn’t mean we don’t do them. We just lie about those things.
I bet you just thought of a few!
is rampant in Naija. There are things we do that society frowns on. So,
we lie and pretend we don’t do them. Here are 5 things every Nigerian
lies about doing:
1. Lying
Nigerian lies. Some are pathological liars. Others just tell the
occasional white lie. But every Nigerian lies about lying. It’s so
funny. Society expects you to be truthful. You’ve probably just told
someone “I dey come” even though you have no intention of going there.
2. Gambling
parents painted gamblers as the worse of the worst. Gambling brings
easy money. Many Nigerians gamble but lie about it so they are not
What do you think Nairabet and baba Ijebu are?
3. Not going to church
Nigerians who were raised in the Christian faith hardly go to church
these days. They have turned Sundays to wash days and such. But ask them
if they go to church and you’d get a resounding yes!
4. Disrespecting older people
culture frowns on disrespecting people older than you. Even if they are
asking for it with their actions. Many Nigerians would disrespect an
older person. Then turn around and preach respect your elders to kids.
5. Stealing meat from the pot
We’ve all done this. But we never admit to doing it especially when we’re queried by our mothers.
source: OMG V
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